Category Archive: Sermon Thoughts - Page 48

Questions and Doubts #2
Posted October 17th, 2008 by Mike Hubbard

When reading the Bible, especially in the Old Testament, how can God be seen as a loving God, when he strikes down so many people?  He seems more like an angry hateful God to me. This is one of those deep thinking, philosophical questions.  I’ll try to give a few simple responses, but at the […]

Questions and doubts – #1
Posted October 7th, 2008 by Mike Hubbard

On Sunday we began the sermon with some questions from the congregations about the struggled of life and doubts that we have.  We asked people attending church to submit questions on an index card, thinking we would get two or three questions.  We actually got a bunch.  You can hear answers to a couple of […]

Gospel attitudes about wealth – Contentment
Posted September 18th, 2008 by Mike Hubbard

Now there is great gain in godliness with contentment, for we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world.  but if we have food or clothing, with these we will be content.  1 Timothy 6:6-8 My wife Heidi and I were reading this passage together the other day, and […]

Gospel attitudes about wealth – generosity
Posted September 16th, 2008 by Mike Hubbard

I’ve already written posts commenting on two of four gospel oriented attitudes about wealth.  I think it is important to avoid some extremes when speaking of money, and our excesses.  The legalistic approach claims that wealth in and of itself is evil, and that Christians should not have money or wealth.  The problem with this […]

Gospel attitudes about wealth – simplicity
Posted September 9th, 2008 by Mike Hubbard

This is the second in a short series of blogs about attitudes that need to be nurtured by followers of Jesus in order to help us live the Gospel with our wealth, possesions and power.  The attitude of simplicity flows from the deep realization that most of us are blessed so far beyond what we […]