Category Archive: Sermon Thoughts - Page 46

Sermon on the Mount – resources
Posted February 28th, 2009 by Mike Hubbard

With every sermon series, I want to throw out a Bibliography of resources I will be using, so that those of you who would like to do further study will have some options. Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount: And His Confrontation with the World by D. A. Carson – Fairly deep and theological dealing expositionally […]

Series on the Sermon on the Mount
Posted February 28th, 2009 by Mike Hubbard

We’re starting a new series in the morning at Genesis on the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7.  Our title for the series is Red Letters, primarily because this section of Scripture is some of the most concise and clear teaching from Jesus in the Bible.  During the series, we will discover what Jesus […]

Resources for Bible Study
Posted February 9th, 2009 by Mike Hubbard

bible study-digging deeper Here are some of the basic types of resources, and specific ones that I recommend for your study of the Bible.  I’ve also included an attachment here with the notes from the message on Sunday giving the step by step process for studying a passage of Scripture. Study Bibles – The first […]

Bible Reading Calendar for February
Posted January 31st, 2009 by Mike Hubbard

bible-reading-february (PDF) This is our Bible reading calendar for February.  If you have joined us for daily Bible reading, go ahead and download, and keep reading!

Making SPACE for God’s Word in Your Life
Posted January 24th, 2009 by Mike Hubbard

I recently heard about this acrostic from a couple of people in Jim Breeden’s community group, so I asked him to share it with all of us.  He wrote the following, which is a simple way to find applications when reading the Bible. Reading God’s Word is great, but better is allowing God’s Word to […]