Category Archive: Sermon Thoughts - Page 43

The “One Anothers” of the New Testament
Posted September 6th, 2009 by Mike Hubbard

This morning I will share in my message a key concept as it relates to people living in community with other Christians.  Throughout the New Testament, especially in the epistles (letters) the writers use the Greek pronoun allelion, which is a pronoun that marks reciprocation between two or more people or groups, and is most […]

Reason for God order form
Posted August 29th, 2009 by Mike Hubbard

In the month of October we will start a series of messages titled Doubting Your Doubts which will be based on the book The Reason for God by Tim Keller.  The book deals with some significant questions of doubt and struggle for people who are examining the Christian faith.  We would like to encourage everyone […]

False Teachers – How do you know?
Posted August 21st, 2009 by Mike Hubbard

I was sitting in my Community Group last night discussing issues from the Sunday message about false teachers, and the question arose, “How do we know you aren’t one of those guys?”  Of course the answer is because I am a great guy who would never steer you wrong.  Actually, this question was a very […]

Good websites for discernment
Posted August 17th, 2009 by Mike Hubbard

Beware of false prophets, who come to you 9in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.  Matthew 7:15 Since we are talking about discernment and the idea of being careful about the types of teachers we absorb, I thought I’d give you a couple good places to get information about false teachers and good doctrine. […]

Your Treasure – a few questions
Posted July 8th, 2009 by Mike Hubbard

These are from the sermon on Sunday – a few questions to examine the location of your treasures. •    What have you done in the past day, week, month… to invest in the kingdom of heaven? •    Do you define success in life primarily by accomplishments and material goods that are here or by things […]