Category Archive: Sermon Thoughts - Page 37

Marks of a healthy church
Posted July 12th, 2010 by Mike Hubbard

The sermon yesterday dealt with the issue of denominations and the question as to why there are so many groups and churches.  The answer to this is a deep and complicated issue, but the core idea is that God is building his church, and in the end He has one people even though they meet […]

The perfect denomination – a little humor
Posted July 11th, 2010 by Mike Hubbard

Sermon for this week looked at Denominations.  Found this satirical article on website called Tominthebox News Network, a humor website looking at the church.  The title of the article is Forty-Seven Church Splits Finally Brings Doctrinal Perfection. The article pokes fun at how churches and denominations tend to divide, and the pride we all have […]

The Christocentric Lense – Is the Bible about Me or about Jesus?
Posted July 6th, 2010 by Mike Hubbard

In John 5, Jesus challenges the Jewish leaders view of the Scriptures.  While they knew the Bible backwards and forward, they missed the key to the Scriptures.  Jesus told them that they searched the Scriptures believing that in them they would find eternal life, but, “It is they that bear witness about me.” (John 5:39)  […]

The prayers of Nehemiah
Posted June 20th, 2010 by Mike Hubbard

I had a great time preaching through the book of Nehemiah, and all throughout the book I was amazed at what a vital role the prayer life of Nehemiah and the people played in the great things that happened in the book.  This PDF is a study of those prayers, as the prayers of Nehemiah […]

Genesis Leadership Philosophy
Posted June 2nd, 2010 by Mike Hubbard

The sermon Sunday dealt with our philosophy of leadership.  I said I would post this document explaining our ideas, beliefs, and strategy for elders, deacons, members, and the process of developing leaders. GENESIS CHURCH LEADERSHIP STRUCTURE