Category Archive: Sermon Thoughts - Page 35

Application to Date My Daugther
Posted August 29th, 2010 by Mike Hubbard

Sermon this morning was on dating, and in the sermon had a little fun with this document, the Application to Date My Daughter. While we don’t advocate violence (most of the time), this is funny, and a good thing for dads to have around when their daughters become teenagers.  Enjoy! dateapplication

The Gift of Tongues and the Holy Spirit
Posted August 29th, 2010 by Mike Hubbard

This is another response to texted questions during the sermon on the Holy Spirit. What is the difference on the tongues that were spoken during the Day of Pentecost and in the book of Acts and the Tongues that are spoken in the rest of Scripture? The role of the Spiritual gift of tongues is […]

The role of the Holy Spirit within the Trinity
Posted August 26th, 2010 by Mike Hubbard

Once again we had several very good questions texted to us during the sermon Sunday.  I answered a few then, and am going to try to answer a couple more on the blog here. What is the Holy Spirit’s role in the Trinity? In his book Systematic Theology, Wayne Grudem says the work of the […]

Jews and the End Times
Posted August 21st, 2010 by Mike Hubbard

This is another response to questions that were texted during the service this past Sunday on Eschatology. Will the Jewish people be given a second chance as His chosen people? This is a complicated question that a quick answer cannot due justice.  The Biblical texts that address this question are numerous, with several New Testament […]

Jesus Knowledge of His Second Coming
Posted August 19th, 2010 by Mike Hubbard

This is the second blog answering questions texted during the service this past Sunday on the issue of eschatology. If Jesus is God, why doesn’t He know the time of His return (Matthew 24:36)? The interplay between Jesus divine and human natures is one of the deepest theological issues in the Scriptures.  Jesus always has […]