Category Archive: Sermon Thoughts - Page 29

Everybody Worships Something
Posted January 31st, 2012 by Mike Hubbard

Used this video on Sunday, and love it.  Everybody worships something, but we were made to worship one.  

The Bible is About Jesus
Posted December 18th, 2011 by Mike Hubbard

The current series is taking a look at the big story of the Bible from 30,000 feet, and we are finding that the entire Bible is pointing us to Jesus, who is the hero of every story and the rescuer God sends to deliver us from our slavery to sin, self, the world, and our […]

Books on the Atonement – Further Reading on the Cross of Christ
Posted November 19th, 2011 by Mike Hubbard

Finishing up our series on the cross in the Gospel of Mark in the morning.  The atonement is the doctrine of the cross, or in other words it is answering the Biblical question, “What did Jesus accomplish on the cross.”   No subject is more important or has more weight in the cosmos than the […]

Self-Esteem, Pride, and Humility
Posted July 25th, 2011 by Mike Hubbard

“God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” – James 4:6 Most of us would not associate self-esteem with pride.  In a very real way, our culture has told us that self-love is the key to happiness, achievement, and worth.  Our children are often told that the problem is that they do not […]

Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage – Position Paper from the Elders
Posted July 20th, 2011 by Mike Hubbard

This past Sunday the sermon from Mark 10 dealt with the topic of Marriage and Divorce.  We know that this topic will raise a lot of questions, and there is not enough time in a sermon to deal with all of these.  So the Elders have composed a position paper and published it here to […]