Category Archive: Pop Culture - Page 6

The Bucket List
Posted January 25th, 2008 by Mike Hubbard

So, not many movies work to both entertain me, move me, and get me to thinking. Honestly, it’s probably because I avoid emotional movies like my dog avoids me when I have a rolled up newspaper. Usually, I’d rather laugh or be thrilled, but my wife planned our date night tonight, so we went to […]

Trick or Treat? Being missional at Halloween
Posted October 24th, 2007 by Mike Hubbard

October 31 is approaching, which means. It’s national eat candy till you puke day for kids! Yep, all the kids in the neighborhood will put on their costumes and come to your door begging for treats, and then judging each house in the neighborhood on the basis of who had the best stuff. Those who […]

God and gods
Posted September 29th, 2007 by Mike Hubbard

One of the most influential books in our culture right now is The Life of Pi by Yann Martel (it is on the freshman literature reading list at EHS). The story is about a boy from India on a spiritual journey who becomes a Hindu-Muslim-Christian. My son Andy was enthralled by the story of this […]

Tammy Faye & grace
Posted July 23rd, 2007 by Mike Hubbard

There are two types of people in the world, those who remember Tammy Faye Messner (Bakker) and those who don’t. Alright, so that is a little melodramatic, but Jim and Tammy Faye left an imprint on American Christianity. Tammy Faye died on Friday, which will stir up reminders of her life and faith. In the […]

What I think about Postmodernism – Part 2
Posted May 16th, 2007 by Ben Lancaster

It’s hard to know exactly which topic to start this blog series with, so I thought I’d go with the most universal, holistic vs. linear thinking. Let’s start with a quote about my generation: “A generation raised on channel-surfing has lost the capacity for linear thinking and analytical reasoning.” — Chuck Colson, Christian writer, chief […]