Category Archive: Missional living - Page 16

Mission Charleston – Day 5
Posted June 18th, 2009 by Mike Hubbard

Jim Breeden is our blogger tonight. Day five on mission in Charleston, MO…in spite of hot weather (95 plus ), tired bodies, and living on the edge of new task the group is moving forward with great grace and steadfast energy. Today was a community clothes give away,  building walls, hanging and taping drywall, presenting […]

Mission Charleston – Day 4
Posted June 17th, 2009 by Mike Hubbard

Our blogger tonight is Cathy Baumann.  Cathy is a member at Ballwin Baptist.  She and her husband have attended mission trips with us in the past and joined us this week. What a hot day it was, but God is so good.   Today was our fun day and we took a trip Columbus, Kentucky and […]

Mission Charleston – Day 3
Posted June 16th, 2009 by Mike Hubbard

Leslie Holdegraver is our guest blogger today. Greetings Genesis Family! Another great day here in Charleston!  It’s amazing how much can be accomplished during the day when everyone pitches in and serves together.  The construction crew worked hard on the new kitchen today, and the concrete was poured two days ahead of schedule.  Many more […]

Mission Charleston – Day 2
Posted June 16th, 2009 by Mike Hubbard

Melody Buehrle is writing our blog today. Wow! What a day! We woke up early (for me!) and went to work! Many, including the kids, dove into over 100 HUGE grocery bags and 20-ish boxes full of donated clothes.  Those who were not knee deep in clothing spent the day digging a hole and preparing […]

Mission Charleston Update – Day One
Posted June 14th, 2009 by Mike Hubbard

We are planning post updates about our mission trip daily on the blog, having different people on the trip write each day.  We are also going to try to set up a Flickr account with pictures in the next couple days.  Be sure to read about the adventure to Charleston, MO here this week.  Tonight […]