Category Archive: Missional living - Page 15

Haiti pictures on Flickr
Posted July 11th, 2009 by Mike Hubbard

We’ve uploaded some pictures from our first few days on our Flickr account. Hope you enjoy!  God is good and we are having a great time.

Haiti, Day 2 – A rat, paint scrapers, and $5
Posted July 10th, 2009 by Mike Hubbard

Great day today, although hot.  The morning began with some excitement.  Carol, who is the President of the Board overseeing the ministry is here with us this week.  We heard her scream and run out of the storage room with the food, and then jump up on a chair.  She realized that a rat was […]

Haiti – Day 1: The gift of tongues and a crazy van ride
Posted July 9th, 2009 by Mike Hubbard

As you may know, five of us from Genesis have traveled to Tabarre, Haiti (an area near Port-Au-Prince) to spend a week doing missions and serving people in this area.  For me, this is my first adventure into a third-world country to do missions among the poor.  We are all excited about the possibility of […]

Mission Charleston – Day 6
Posted June 20th, 2009 by Mike Hubbard

I’m sitting here, 7 AM Saturday morning, an empty room other than the babies and Josiah still asleep.  Around the building I’ve heard a few stirrings of people headed to the shower or to pick up breakfast.  In another hour the Shining Light Ministry Center will be a bustle as we get all of our […]

Charleston Mission Trip Pictures
Posted June 19th, 2009 by Mike Hubbard

Go view all of our pictures from the Charleston Mission Trip on our Flickr page here.