Category Archive: Jesus and the Gospel - Page 7

Expulsive Power of a New Affection
Posted March 3rd, 2013 by Mike Hubbard

Quoted Thomas Chalmers in the sermon this morning.  Thomas Chalmers quote from one of his sermons entitled “The Expulsive Power of a New Affection” (Chalmers was a 19th century Scottish theologian).  In the sermon he explains how the beauty of the Gospel is the only hope for our idolatry. “It is seldom that any of […]

Martin Luther, The Gospel, “Beat it into their heads continually”
Posted February 18th, 2013 by Mike Hubbard

At Genesis, we love the Gospel.  It is the only bullet in our gun.  I have always been challenged by this quote from Martin Luther about the truth and importance of the Gospel.  As pastor, it challenges me continually as I ask if I am faithful in proclaiming the Gospel and counseling people to believe […]

Free Advent Devotional E-Book from Desiring God
Posted November 28th, 2012 by Mike Hubbard

This Sunday is the first Sunday of Advent Season, starting the fourth Sunday before Christmas.  Advent is a season of preparation for our celebration of the incarnation (that God became flesh and dwelt among us in Christ).  The good people at Desiring God have provided a wonderful little resource that can be used individually or […]

Vote for Jesus, Part 2 – No King But Jesus
Posted November 1st, 2012 by Mike Hubbard

Watch almost any political ad and you will hear messianic type promises.  The ad will point out some problem that they identify as THE problem that has to be solved if humanity is going to go on in America.  They will then share how the candidate that is being promoted is the true hope if […]

Sharing faith in Jesus – Some books to read with friends who are searching
Posted October 3rd, 2012 by Mike Hubbard

In the final sermon of the Go Fish series this past Sunday I shared the idea that a simple way to share faith with someone is to buy that person a book and read it with them, then meet here and there to discuss the content.  I mentioned one book, but also said I would […]