Category Archive: Jesus and the Gospel - Page 2

Coronavirus, Plagues, and our Prayers
Posted March 11th, 2020 by Mike Hubbard

The other day I was in a meeting with the Superintendent of the Rockwood School District, and like every other conversation right now, the Coronavirus was a key topic.  He said that we are dealing with two issues.  The first is the science and medicine about the disease.  Like them, we as a church need […]

Out of a Far Country – Testimony of Christopher Yuan
Posted February 9th, 2020 by Mike Hubbard

We showed a short clip from this man’s testimony in our service, but wanted to post another video with the full story (including his parents).  Chritopher Yuan is a professor at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago (my daugher has had a class with him), speaker and author.  His story is one of beautiful grace, and […]

Ideas for Living on Mission during Christmas
Posted December 5th, 2019 by Mike Hubbard

Our desire at Genesis is to help you find ways to live the mission of God in your neighborhood.  We want to give ideas that will our people meet neighbors, build relationships, and speak the Gospel into their lives. The Christmas season is a great time to build some bridges with people living on your […]

Nicene Creed – Christ is “God of God, Light of Light”
Posted October 21st, 2018 by Mike Hubbard

Referencing the Nicene Creed, adopted in 325 AD at the Council of Nicea.  The core issue at this early ecumenical church council was the nature of Christ as defined in the Scriptures, specifically, whether Jesus was eternally God or a created being by God.  We are thankful for Athanasius and others like him who stood […]

John Flavel Sermon – The Fountain of Life
Posted March 25th, 2018 by Mike Hubbard

As I was preparing for the sermon this morning from John 19:38-42 on the burial of Jesus I came across this sermon from a 17th Century English Presbyterian Minister named John Flavel.  It was actually referenced in several of the resources I used in preparation, so I took time to read and and some of […]