Category Archive: Gospel in Life - Page 4

We need to be Prophetically Clear about the Moment
Posted November 29th, 2017 by Mike Hubbard

But they (Simeon and Levi, sons of Jacob) said, “Should he treat our sister like a prostitute.”   (Genesis 34:31, ESV) [1] God has taken his place in the divine council; in the midst of the gods he holds judgment: [2] “How long will you judge unjustly and show partiality to the wicked? [3] Give […]

The SBC Resolution on the Alt-Right – We need to Hear these Words
Posted August 14th, 2017 by Mike Hubbard

The events in Charlottsville this past weekend has brought our attention to the very real reality that racism and white supremacy is alive and feeling more emboldened.  What is even more saddening is that many of the people wearing Nazi symbols, flying the stars and bars, and shouting hate filled rhetoric claim to be doing […]

My Thoughts on a Crucial Moment for Southern Baptists
Posted March 13th, 2017 by Mike Hubbard

I am really a nobody, at least when it comes to speaking toward big issues and the denomination we are supporting. We planted Genesis 11 years ago, and are a small to medium sized church by some standards. God has been good to us, and from our launch we have been a Cooperative Program supporting […]

Recommended Reading for 2017
Posted January 5th, 2017 by Mike Hubbard

A recent list of the top selling Christian books for 2016 reveals something very problematic about the faith of the current church.  We don’t like thinking.  We love feeling, but don’t really want to engage much of anything that will make us think deeply about God and ourselves.  Furthermore, there is little discernment.  Among the […]

Ideas for the Discipline of Prayer – Join the Conversation
Posted May 9th, 2016 by Mike Hubbard

This is a list of ideas we handed out at Genesis yesterday that you might use as you seek to develop your own workout plan in the area of prayer. Discuss these ideas in your Community Group this week and add more. Join the conversation on the Genesis Blog as well. Develop a place and […]