Category Archive: Gospel in Life

Developing a Culture of Evangelism – Part 3, Loving Engagement
Posted July 4th, 2022 by Mike Hubbard

First of all, my apologies.  Didn’t mean to take a two week break in writing these.  But you know, life and summer.  Anyway, this is the third installment of a series of posts I am writing about developing an evangelistic culture as a church after preaching on the story of Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch […]

Should You Read the Bible Through in 2022?
Posted December 31st, 2021 by Mike Hubbard

Have you seen all the weight loss and fitness center commercials on TV this week?  It’s that time of year, the season for new beginnings and plans.  Among those I have seen several of my friends and those I respect in ministry issue challenges to begin the New Year with a goal of reading the […]

Trick or Treat? A dramatic reading
Posted October 31st, 2021 by Mike Hubbard

Saw this today in a Twitter feed and wanted to share it on All Hallows Eve (AKA Reformation Day).  Enjoy this dramatic reading and share it with your kids before they head out tonight. “The Triumph is not with the forces of night, it dawned with the One who said, ‘I Am the Light.”

Tim Keller Article on Biblical Justice and Other Theories
Posted July 4th, 2021 by Mike Hubbard

Micah 6:8 informs that the Lord requires His people to “Do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God.”  In the sermon today we are looking at the idea of justice as Biblical command that shapes the identity of God’s people.  There is a lot of talk about justice in our world today, and […]

Who’s your One – Amazing Story of Faith and Forgiveness.
Posted June 17th, 2021 by Mike Hubbard

Who’s your One is part of our strategy to reach people with the Gospel, encouraging all of our people to identify their “one”, an individual in your life to pray for and with whom to share the Gospel.  At the Convention for Great Commission Baptists this past week they shared this amazing video showing the […]