Category Archive: General - Page 3

Sunday Worship Service Dec. 19, 2021
Posted December 19th, 2021 by Carla Moore

Welcome to Genesis Church Worship Service Livestream for December 19.  This morning we are gathering in person at Blevins Elementary.   We are also honored to have you joining us online. Before we begin, you will need a few things … So, grab your Bibles, or you can find our text for this morning linked below. […]

Genesis Church Advent Devotional
Posted November 22nd, 2021 by Mike Hubbard

We are so excited to have published our first ever Genesis Church Advent Devotional book.  Advent is such an amazing time of the year, bringing together the wonderful theme of Christ’s incarnation and the season of waiting in preparation for His appearing.  The devotions in this book, which are perfect for individuals and for families, […]

Sunday Worship Service Nov. 14, 2021
Posted November 14th, 2021 by Carla Moore

Welcome to Genesis Church Worship Service Livestream for November 14.  This morning we are gathering in person at Blevins Elementary.   We are also honored to have you joining us online. Before we begin, you will need a few things … So, grab your Bibles, or you can find our text for this morning linked below. […]

Register for Man-Up Breakfasts
Posted August 11th, 2021 by Carla Moore

This is a great chance to hang out and hear from other men, enjoy a good breakfast, and dig into the Scriptures.  If you aren’t available all three weeks, make it when you can.  Feel free to share the following link to invite friends!

Youth Camp 2021 Registration
Posted June 2nd, 2021 by Carla Moore

Genesis Youth Camp is June 28 – July 2 at Logan Valley Christian Retreat in Ellington, MO.  You can view the Logan Valley website here: A $50 deposit is required to register, although online payment is optional.  A complete health/travel release form is required – see Travis for copies or print the form below.  […]