Category Archive: Family Life - Page 9

Resources for Parent Series/Suggested reading for parents
Posted September 12th, 2009 by Mike Hubbard

Here is a list of some recommended reading for parents.  I will be using some of these books in my study for the current series On Target Parenting.  I have read many of the other ones over the years, and they are all very good resources.  In this post I am only including books to […]

Back to school – a few thoughts on making sure kids are ready
Posted August 13th, 2009 by Mike Hubbard

The annual ritual of sending kids back to school is here.  Kids are moping around houses throughout Eureka, realizing that their days of freedom are almost up.  I don’t know about your casa, but in my house the sleep and eating habits have slidden, and making the adjustment back to getting up before 10 AM […]

Books on Marriage
Posted June 18th, 2009 by Mike Hubbard

We encouraged our couples to choose a book that would help them grow in their marriage this summer.  Here is a list with some ideas.  The books in bold are ones that I highly recommend. Overall marriage/theology of marriage This Momentary Marriage by John Piper The Intimate Marriage by R. C. Sproul Reforming Marriage by […]

Family Devotions for Easter Week
Posted April 3rd, 2009 by Mike Hubbard

I may have even posted this last year, but John Piper has written eight terrific family devotions for Easter week called Lenten Lights.  Use them to prepare your family for the celebration of the cross and resurrection.

Treasuring Traditions at Christmas
Posted December 1st, 2008 by Mike Hubbard

This is from an article that I wrote for the Member’s Newsletter last Christmas.  I decided to post it on the blog to encourage families as the Christmas season begins this year. OK, let’s be honest. We tend to be a pretty non-traditional church, so writing an article on traditions at Christmas may seem a […]