Category Archive: Church News - Page 14

Community Appreciation Service Invite
Posted August 31st, 2016 by Mike Hubbard

First of all, if you have not heard yet, Genesis Church is receiving a special honor this year from the Eureka Days Committee and our city. Genesis Church has been nominated as the Citizen of the Year for Eureka Days this year. This is so awesome for us as a church! From our first days […]

Barbecue Fundraiser for Haiti Mission Team
Posted June 3rd, 2016 by Mike Hubbard

We have a team of ten people from Genesis headed to Haiti in July.  They will be working with our partners in Haiti, Amer-Haitian Bon Zami.  you can help send our team to Haiti and enjoy a great meal if you come to our Haiti BBQ on Saturday June 25 in the Dogwood Pavilion at […]

Clothing Drive for Charleston Mission Trip
Posted May 25th, 2016 by Mike Hubbard

Even if you can’t go to Charleston with us, you can be a big help to our mission.  One of the things we do each year is provide a free clothing store for families in Charleston on Thursday of our Genesis Family Mission Trip.  As Summer starts, all of us have summer clothes that we […]

Genesis 10th Anniversary Celebration This Sunday – Last Chance to Register
Posted April 5th, 2016 by Mike Hubbard

We are planning a fun service for this Sunday, including a meal for you and your family and lots of stuff to help us celebrate God’s grace through Genesis Church for the past 10 years.  We want you to come, but we also need you to register.  So if you haven’t done so yet, please […]

Details for Genesis Good Friday Service with the Gate Church
Posted March 23rd, 2016 by Mike Hubbard

Wanted to give a few updates as we get ready for our Good Friday Service.  This is such a big day for our church, as we serve together to honor the sacrifice Jesus made for our redemption and salvation.  If you are not part of Genesis family but would like to serve with us we […]