Category Archive: Bible reading & devotions - Page 5

7 Steps to Better Bible Study – Blog by Driscoll
Posted April 17th, 2012 by Mike Hubbard

Great little blog by Mark Droscoll with some tips for Bible study and getting the Bible into you.  Well worth the read an application.

Devotion – Judges 20
Posted August 28th, 2011 by Mike Hubbard

Moral outrage – A righteous anger over sin that will drive a person or group of people to stand against that sin and stand for Godly convictions.  There is not a lot of moral outrage in America anymore.  The message of the day is tolerance.  It doesn’t matter what a person’s lifestyle represents, they are […]

Devotion – Judges 19
Posted August 9th, 2011 by Mike Hubbard

How far will humanity fall if left to himself?  Without Godly leadership, man’s wickedness will fall to depths that are unimaginable.  This story is a classic example of the wickedness of man apart from God.  The wicked men of this city begin with homosexuality, then move to rape, and eventually to murder.  The story (in […]

Devotion – Judges 18
Posted August 6th, 2011 by Mike Hubbard

Before I can apply this chapter of Judges, I need to help you understand what is happening.  The writer of Judges wants us to understand some of the historical events that happened during this time period.  On a greater level, he wants us to understand what happened to God’s people when they lacked spiritual leadership. […]

Devotion – Judges 17
Posted July 27th, 2011 by Mike Hubbard

Does it matter HOW you worship God?  A lot of people believe that as long as you worship God, it doesn’t matter how you do it?  As long as you come to church and sing the songs.  As long as you have a good feeling in your heart, and think about God in some way, […]