Category Archive: Bible reading & devotions - Page 38

Devotion – John 11
Posted January 22nd, 2008 by Mike Hubbard

Jesus had this uncanny way of messing up funerals! Can you imagine this scene? This guy Lazerus had been dead four days. Now Jesus shows up, and it seems that His timing seems completely off. You see, Lazerus, Mary, and Martha were a family that Jesus loved. Word comes to Jesus that Lazerus was sick. […]

Devotion – John 10
Posted January 15th, 2008 by Mike Hubbard

A few years ago I participated in an international mission trip to Wales. The land in Wales was beautiful, and incredibly green. The rolling hills were full of sheep. In fact, just outside the walls of the college where we stayed were sheep farms, and we could hear the bleating of sheep throughout the night. […]

Devotion – John 9
Posted January 8th, 2008 by Mike Hubbard

A couple years ago, we took a trip with our high school graduates, that included a cave exploration. We were very careful to enter the cave with plenty of flashlights and making sure all of us had a good helmet. We also had a guide who already knew the layout of the cave. During our […]

Devotion – John 8
Posted December 31st, 2007 by Mike Hubbard

Did Jesus ever claim to be God? Some people, who want to believe that Jesus was just a great teacher and a good man, have said that Jesus never actually claimed to be God. In fact, they would say, the deity of Jesus Christ is an idea that was made up by followers of Jesus […]

Devotion – John 7
Posted December 26th, 2007 by Mike Hubbard

I have noticed that the very mention of the name of Jesus will bring many different reactions. For some, thinking of Jesus brings anger. They are opposed to Jesus Christ, and anyone who will stand for Him. Some have even made it their goal in life to destroy Christianity and the God we serve. Others […]