Category Archive: Bible reading & devotions - Page 10

Devotion – Philippians 2
Posted January 11th, 2011 by Mike Hubbard

Exactly who is Jesus.  I mean, if we are challenging you to commit every aspect of your life, shouldn’t you know exactly who this man was (and is)?  Verses 4-11 begin by saying we should have the same attitude of Jesus, that of humility.  God wants us to look like Jesus, so shouldn’t we know […]

Devotion – Philippians 1
Posted January 4th, 2011 by Mike Hubbard

Have you ever wondered why you are here?  Why should you remain on this earth, especially as a follower of Jesus?  Paul was struggling with this question.  He had spent the last thirty years or so of his life living for Jesus, had gone all over the world preaching and witnessing to people, and had […]

Devotions in Philippians – Introduction
Posted January 3rd, 2011 by Mike Hubbard

Time for a new book in our devotion blog.  We are going to move to the New Testament book of Philippians. Is Jesus the most important thing in your life?  Sometimes it is easy for us to say He is, but much more difficult to live this out, especially when times are rough.  It is […]

Christmas Family Worship Experience
Posted December 24th, 2010 by Mike Hubbard

During our Christmas Eve service we gave families this worship experience to be done together on Christmas day.  But I also wanted to post it here on the blog for those who were unable to attend.  Print this off, give copies to your family, and worship Jesus on Christmas. Family Worship for Christmas

Christmas – the fullness of time
Posted December 22nd, 2010 by Mike Hubbard

Galatians 4:4 has a very interesting statement.  It says that Jesus was born at the fullness of time.  The phrase here is full of meaning, as Paul says that God orchestrated the events of history bringing the entire story to one point in time where He sent His Son.  For Joseph and Mary, the events […]