Category Archive: All About Life - Page 4

Prayer for the New Year
Posted January 1st, 2018 by Mike Hubbard

Happy New Year from Genesis Church.  It is that time again, time for resolutions, which tend to revolve around the idea of a better you.  Over the next few days we will hear the message of achievement and self-betterment voiced over and over telling you to maximize your potential, fulfill your destiny, become the real […]

Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving from the Valley of Vision
Posted November 23rd, 2017 by Mike Hubbard

  Happy Thanksgiving.  Here’s hoping everyone enjoys the turkey, dressing, and all the other amazing treats today.  But more than anything, hoping this is a day for us to stop and be thankful.  Paul reminds us in Romans 1:21 that at the core, the problem in our humanity is that we did not honor God […]

Some thoughts on The Shack
Posted February 27th, 2017 by Mike Hubbard

Spent a few minutes in yesterday’s sermon referencing the book The Shack and forthcoming movie base on it.  As I mentioned, I have concerns about the view of God presented in the story.  I want to give a little clarity on my words by sharing a few blog posts from people who have written on […]

Water into Wine – What are we to do?
Posted November 15th, 2016 by Mike Hubbard

A couple weeks back I preached on the story of Jesus’ first sign, as He turned water into wine at the wedding of Cana from John 2.  In my religious heritage this passage was, well, at the best, awkward.  I am thankful for many, many things in my Baptist heritage, including a passion for the […]

Quest for Joy – C. S. Lewis Quote on Desires
Posted October 23rd, 2016 by Mike Hubbard

I referenced a quote from C. S. Lewis this morning as we talked about our quest for joy and the reality that lasting joy is found only in Christ.  Wanted to post this here on the blog for your meditation this week. “The Christian says, ‘Creatures are not born with desires unless satisfaction for those […]