Great sermon on sin by John Piper

Read the blog and other stuff I write enough and you will know that I have a great deal of respect and admiration for John Piper.  I think this is true because just about every time I hear him speak, he somehow has the password to the lock on my heart and his words find themselves deep within my soul, leading me to repentance.  Of course, the reason this is happening is that the Holy Spirit is speaking through Dr. Piper in great ways.   He recently spoke at Mars Hill Church in Seattle on the topic of putting sin to death, a topic that all of us need to hear.  I am sure that you have areas of life where you struggle to give up habits or change attitudes.  This sermon is dead on in his explanation of the problem with sin in our lives and an explanation of how we deal with the struggle in the power of the Holy Spirit.  The sermon is about an hour and you can find links on this page to watch in video, listen on your computer, or download an MP3 for your Ipod.

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