Advent Conspiracy – Our emphasis in December

We’ll begin a new series of messages and an entire emphasis in our service this Sunday.  The gist of the Advent Conspiracy emphasis is a challenge to enter the story of Christmas and have it transform us.  The idea is that if we genuinely experience the depth of the incarnation, that God will change our values, spending habits, and attitudes.  The result is that Christmas will produce people who…

  • Worship Fully
  • Spend Less
  • Give More
  • Love All

To learn more about the Advent Conspiracy, visit their website here.  As we go through this emphasis, we will challenge people to, at a minimum, buy one less gift and donate the cost of that gift to our Advent Conspiracy Offering.  We will send the money we collect from this offering to three mission causes.

*Living Water – Living Water International exists to demonstrate the love of God by helping communities acquire desperately needed clean water, and to experience “living water” – the Gospel of Jesus Christ – which alone satisfies the deepest thirst.

*House of Hope – An orphanage for girls in Tabarre, Haiti.

*World Missions through the International Mission Board of Southern Baptists – Working to fulfill the Great Commission by sending missionaries and mission volunteers all over the world.

If you are a part of Genesis, we want to encourage you to begin thinking about how you can apply the call of Advent Conspiracy to your spending habits and to your giving to missions.  We will collect the offering throughout the month, with a special emphasis at our Christmas Eve service.

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