Post article on Christian Activities Center in E. St. Louis

Over the years I have had many opportunities to live God’s mission and serve in some incredible places.  It thrilled me to see one of those places get some great press in the Post-Dispatch.  The front page of this morning’s edition had a feature article on the Christian Activities Center in East St. Louis. The CAC is a place where several of us in Genesis had the privilege to serve over the years, both working with kids and doing construction.  In fact, we helped build the gym on their campus, and were able to give over the years to provide computers for their tutoring program.  Check out the article, and watch the video slide show.  In a few of the slides you will see a few pictures of their gym, one of them shows a table in front of an I-beam going up the wall.  Leon Allen climbed that very beam like a monkey, no ladder, no scaffolding, just the beam and the wall, and then held dry wall in place while a couple other guys who were on scaffolding nailed it into place.

I consider the Director of the CAC, Chet Cantrell a friend, and it has always amazed me to see the wonderful work that they do in the heart of the poorest part of this tough city.  God uses them to change the lives of kids.  It is a lot of fun to see God use them, and to see the Gospel message appear on the front page of our newspaper.

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