Week of Prayer, Monday – Jefferson & Carol Hernandez: Campo Blanco

Many years ago, Jefferson and Carol Hernandez had an American dream. They came to the U.S. looking for wealth and prosperity. But when they found something much better than that, they started a church called, appropriately enough, Campo Blanco (White Field). Now, in a place where Latin American immigrants are arriving seemingly every day, Jefferson and Carol are making Jesus known to their Hispanic neighbors.

  • Opportunities to build witnessing relationships with Hispanic immigrants.

  • Leaders who’ll one day leave Campo Blanco to start more new churches.

  • Families in the church to grow in their devotion to Christ.

More about Jefferson and Carol

One Response to “Week of Prayer, Monday – Jefferson & Carol Hernandez: Campo Blanco”

  1. Eric Burnley says:

    Praying for Jefferson & Carol & their family as they all seek to serve their community & glorify God by sharing the gospel. It’s amazing to see how God changes the plans of man.