Mission Charleston – Day 5

Jim Breeden is our blogger tonight.

Day five on mission in Charleston, MO…in spite of hot weather (95 plus ), tired bodies, and living on the edge of new task the group is moving forward with great grace and steadfast energy. Today was a community clothes give away,  building walls, hanging and taping drywall, presenting the kids club, and much love for a community that needs much. Over 100 people received bags of new clothes. Pastor Dean and their church is receiving an enlarged building and again 75 plus children heard the gospel through music, crafts, Bible study, object lessons, recreation, and a meal.  A huge encouragement today was the arrival of a group of teens from South of Memphis….Bob Cutris new church.  They showed up and jumped right in helping in all of the above activities. The Genesis crew felt the weight lighten and the many task advanced. Tonight we worshiped togther, eat together, and right now playing games together. What a blessing to meet and have relationships with more of God’s family.

For me the trip has been great on two levels. The first is again going to another area under God’s leadership to serve and share with people the love of God. It is a joy to use skills, energy, and time to join God in loving people. My father years ago taught me the trade of drywall work.  How good it is to use that skill to enhance and enlarge a building that will be used to impact lives for many years. Today I worked with a new friend, Dave Stout on taping drywall. I also worked hanging drywall with Andy H. and his cousin Josh. Both young men were a blessing to work and visit with. The second blessing is seeing my 12 year old son serve the Lord with gladness. I think it brings me more joy as I see Joel work carrying clothes, loving on children, preparing areas for groups, and many other selfless task. He is becoming such a great young man.

One final thought…it is joy to be apart of a church that focuses on going and serving. The family mission trip and the many of other missional things we do is so much better than just going to church. We are being the church. We are doing the Great Commission instead of just talking about it. Thanks Pastor Mike for leading us to be a missional people to the glory of God.

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