Everybody Loves Marriage – Week 8 Project, Couples

This week the message dealt with sex, so we thought it would be good to revisit some aspects we have talked about already. Sex is a microcosm of marriage, meaning that when there are struggles in your marriage, it will carry over into your sex life, and when you are struggling sexually, it will have an impact on other areas of marriage. The purpose of this project is for couples to sort out struggles in both areas, hopefully leading to greater intimacy in several areas. First, separately look at the questions below and answer the questions pertaining to you on a separate sheet of paper. After both of you have completed your set of questions, choose a time together that you can be intimate. While sitting on your bed, with doors locked and lights down, share with each other the answers to your questions. It’s best to do this clothed, so the guy won’t be distracted. Allow the time together to lead wherever it goes, but be sure to listen to each other’s needs and seek ways to address them.

– You make me feel most respected and appreciated when you…
– I feel less valued and respected when…
– I am most attracted to my wife when…
– As a part of our sex life, I most enjoy when you…
– In our intimate life, the hardest thing for me is…

– You make me feel most loved when you…
– I feel less loved and valued when…
– I am most attracted to you when…
– As a part of our sex life, I most enjoy when you…
– In our intimate life, the hardest thing for me is…

At the candle — Read Proverbs 5 and pray that God would protect your marriage and provide a beautiful life of intimacy.

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