The New Calvinism – #3 on Time Magazine’s “10 Ideas Changing the World Right Now”

While the article is not completely accurate in it’s description of the theology, it is very interesting that Time Magazine has listed a Christian theology and movement (of which we as a church are glad to be a part of) as one of the 10 ideas changing the world right now.  Often misunderstood as being anti-evangelistic, against missions, and totally predeterministic, the heart of what the article calls “Calvinism” is a theological persuastion that holds a very strong conviction about the sovereignty of God and His purpose in the world and in saving His people.  It is amazing how a Christian idea that changed the world almost 500 years ago is again being recongized as one of the cultural forces that is shaping our age.

Thought you might like to check out the article from Time.

One Response to “The New Calvinism – #3 on Time Magazine’s “10 Ideas Changing the World Right Now””

  1. Stan Coss says:

    I just noticed that a new Genesis Church is starting up in my town. I am checking on-line to find out what your core values are and what you believe to be essential atricles of faith. I am a layman and not a church “member,” but a regular attender and teacher.

    Than you.