Everybody Loves Marriage – Week 4 Project for singles (guys)

Ladies – you are welcome to read this blog, but since we talked about a man’s leadership, this project is designed for them.

O.K. guys, the challenge this week was to man up, to be the type of guy who will be a leader in their home. Your project for this week is a simple one. We want you to listen to a message by Mark Driscoll from Mars Hill Church in Seattle titled, Men and Masculinity. If you didn’t get a copy of the CD, you can find the sermon online at:


Listen to this message this week, and interact with it. You may not like everything said in this message, but we chose it because Driscoll raises some great issues as it relates to men and masculine leadership. He talks about three types of men in the message. Consider which type you tend to be most of the time, and consider ways that you can follow Jesus to become a godly leader with the relationships that you already have.

At your candle – Read Ephesians 5:25-32 and 1 Peter 3:7. Pray that God would develop you as a leader.

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