Prayer Drive Out & About – National Day of Prayer Event, this Thursday

We have worked with Central Baptist Church here in Eureka to organize an event on the National Day of Prayer to pray for our city.  The basic idea is that we will gather at Eureka High School and then drive in groups to neighborhoods to pray for those living in the area.  Along the route we will also be collecting food for the Eureka Food Pantry.  Here are the details and needs for the event.

Prayer Drive Out and About
Date: May 7, 2020
Time: Noon – 1:00 PM
Location: Eureka High School Parking Lot
Purpose: Celebrating the National Day of Prayer Using Social Distancing
Function: Families will drive around town praying for others in the community as they drive by homes.
Participants are encouraged to decorate their cars with posters or staying on the windows with
inspirational thoughts or encouraging words.
How to Participate: Participants should arrive at the Eureka High School Parking lot by Noon on May 7th
Each car will be assigned to a traveling group. Each traveling group be escorted by a First Responder
Vehicle (FRV). Participants must stay in or near their vehicles and must maintain social distancing
practices of remaining 6’ apart from others. After a short time of community prayer, each traveling
group will leave the parking lot in an orderly fashion and each participant vehicle will follow their
assigned FRV. The FRV will lead the traveling group through various assigned neighborhoods as
participants pray for the homes they drive past.
Food Pantry Drive: As an additional feature of the Prayer Drive Out and About, homeowners can set out
food items at end of their driveways. As the traveling groups pass by an assigned volunteer will pick up
any donations and deliver them to the Eureka Food Pantry.
Volunteer Opportunities:
1. Traffic Controller – help assign vehicles to each travel group.
2. Grease Pen Table – Distribute window grease pens for participants to use to decorate cars.
Must clean pens between uses.
3. Food Pantry Driver – We need participants with trucks who are willing to collect the food pantry
4. Food Pantry Collector – Pick up the food and place it in the food pantry vehicle.
5. Alternate Food Pantry Collector – Drive through neighborhood which are not part of the travel
groups and collect food donations.
Organizational Issues for Leadership:
1. Provide traffic control as cars enter and get assigned to each traveling group.
2. Ensure one vehicle in each traveling group is available to receive food pantry donations.
3. Give maps or neighborhood assignments to each FRV leader.
4. Provide Window Grease pens for cars and clean pens between uses.
5. Sound system or bullhorn?
6. Volunteers to drive the neighborhoods we don’t travel to on the prayer route.

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