Next Steps – Intentional Discipleship for Children

“Next Steps” is Genesis Church’s method to introduce and sustain intentional discipleship in our families. The goal of Next Steps is to provide parents with resources for leading their families (Next Steps:PARENTS); a fun and informative class to reinforce the truths of the Christian faith to our kids (Next Steps:KIDS); and a right of passage for our young adults to celebrate their coming of age and encourage their calling to be a faithful church member and disciple of Jesus (Next Steps:YOUTH).

“Next Steps: PARENTS is on May 19, and we encourage all parents to come. Lunch is provided, as well as childcare, and you will receive numerous resources as well as answers to commonly asked questions about baptism, the Lord’s supper, how to know when to lead your child to Christ (and how to do it), and more!” – (Include this paragraph if you need to, its separate from the explanation above, which is the broader vision, but can be helpful.)

Register here by filling out this form and submitting

Questions:    Registration:  Melissa Johnston

Questions on content:  Darin Slater & Brandi Souhrada

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