New Series on Issues Families Face – Family Vacation

We will start a new series at Genesis this coming Sunday looking at our families and the significant issues families face. Summer is almost here, so this means we are headed into vacation season. 35 years ago, Clark Griswold decided to take his family on a trek from Chicago to Southern California to visit Walley World, “America’s favorite family fun park.”  They did start with a plan, a map, and an brand new green and wood colored station wagon.  Of course, nothing really went right, but they did eventually get to Walley World (only to find it closed).  For any vacation to work, we will need to have a clear destination, a way to get there, and a plan for the journey.

For six weeks this Spring, we want to help families think about the ultimate destination, and develop a plan to get there. We will look at challenging issues that families of all shapes and sizes face and seek to give Biblical, gospel centered, and practical thoughts on how we can stay the course and get to our destination.  Here are our destinations for the series.

  • April 26 – Walley World – The destination of family discipleship
  • May 6 – Silicon Valley – Navigating technology
  • May 13 – Smoky Mountains – Communication
  • May 20 – Orlando – Dealing with busyness
  • May 27 – Old Faithful – Wrestling with conflict and the need for forgiveness
  • June 3 – Clemson, SC – Passing the baton

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