Help with Funds for Haitian Pastor’s Training

For the past couple years I have had the privilege of leading a Pastor’s Training School for multiple churches in Haiti through our partner organization there.  This has been a thrill for me, as we are partnering to plant churches in Haiti and support their pastors.  I am going again later in July, and am hoping to find some people who believe in this sort of mission who might give specifically to help us with the expenses for this training.  My goal is to raise about $1,000 for this venture.  None of these funds will go to my or anyone else from America’s travel expenses.  Rather, all of it will be earmarked for expenses and resources for the training and for these pastors.  Specifically, funds will go to the following:

  1. Travel, lodging, and meals – Some of our pastors come from the area right around Tabarre, but many come from further distances, including the church Genesis is supporting in Mirebilais, which is about an hour and a half out.  We are hoping to assist in providing transportation for those traveling from a further distance, and also are housing them for the two day conference.  This also includes four meals for all of the men.
  2. Translators – We will need to pay a couple for two translators for two days while at the conference, plus pay for the translation of our materials from English into Creole in advance.
  3. Materials – We are providing the men with materials for the conference.
  4. Resources – We also hope to bring a few resources for these leaders, including a book on our topic and possibly a MacArthur Study Bible for all of the lead pastors (if we can raise the funds to make this happen).

If you would like to give you can do so online (link below).  If you give online choose the Haiti Summer Team and let me know that you have done this.  Or you can send a check to Genesis Church and put “Haiti Pastors” in the memo.  All gifts will be counted as charitable giving.

Genesis Online Giving

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