Barbecue Fundraiser for Haiti Mission Team

We have a team of ten people from Genesis headed to Haiti in July.  They will be working with our partners in Haiti, Amer-Haitian Bon Zami.  you can help send our team to Haiti and enjoy a great meal if you come to our Haiti BBQ on Saturday June 25 in the Dogwood Pavilion at Route 66 State Park.  Tickets are $15 per person, or $50 for a family of four, and $5 for additional family members.  Tickets can be purchase from any team member or in the foyer before and after church on Sunday. The afternoon will include family games and fun in the park, a meal which will include some Haitian fare, a silent auction, and a program with each person on the team sharing.  Fun begins at 3 pm, with the meal served at 5 pm.

You can also help us by getting the word out by giving flyers to friends, or passing the information along on social media.  Here is the flyer.

HaitiBBQ Flyer

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