Details for Genesis Good Friday Service with the Gate Church

Wanted to give a few updates as we get ready for our Good Friday Service.  This is such a big day for our church, as we serve together to honor the sacrifice Jesus made for our redemption and salvation.  If you are not part of Genesis family but would like to serve with us we would love to have you join us.

We are meeting at EHS at 8 AM.  But I also know many of you will want to drive directly to the Gate Church, so here is the address and a map link

6746 Etzel Ave.

University City, MO  63130

Second, most of our work is going to be painting and scraping, so please be sure to bring any supplies you are willing to use for those types of jobs.  And wear clothes appropriate for the job.

We will take up a collection for lunch, probably pizza, so bring cash to throw in funds for you and your family.  Probably $5 for adults and $3 for kids.

And last, but not least, many of you that are coming have signed up.  But if you haven’t can you shoot me a text or e-mail, or shoot me a message in Koinonia to let me know you are coming.  The full article with details is below.

Since we started Genesis we have continued a tradition of holding a “Good Friday Service” to celebrate the death of Jesus. But our service is not a church service, rather we believe that this event is an incredible act of service, and the best way we can live out the truth of Good Friday is to serve others. By dying on the cross to provide forgiveness of sin and hope for living, Jesus performed the ultimate act of service and sacrifice. We figure the best way to follow His lead is to give ourselves away and serve others on the day remembering this act. So we have found projects partnering with church plants to serve their community. Each of these projects were designed so our people can do missions with their entire family, even with small children. We will continue the tradition this year on Friday March 25 from 9 AM-3 PM (we will meet at EHS at 8:00 AM). This year we will be working with The Gate Church in University City and Pastor Kenny Petty.

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