New City Catechism – Great Resource for Training our Kids and Ourselves

As we start the New Year we want to point families to a terrific resource.  A catechism is a summary of the key doctrines and beliefs held by Christians intended to train people in the faith.  Going way back to the early times in church history catechisms have been used to train children and those preparing for baptism in the Gospel. For centuries there have been several amazing catechisms written and used by followers of Jesus.  Those include the Westminster Catechism, the Heidelberg Catechism, and the Baptist Catechism.   Recently The Gospel Coalition along with Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Manhattan produced the New City Catechism (Introduction here).  Most catechisms are presented in the form of a series of questions with corresponding answers along with Scriptural support.  This is the format of the New City Catechism, and they have used 52 questions, which is perfect for use in a year.

At Genesis we are going to start using the New City Catechism in our weekly family worship plan and are encouraging our people to begin using this catechism in both their personal growth and as a tool to teach their children.  The online tool that goes with the New City Catechism has some great stuff to assist in your learning and leading.  Be sure to check out all of the material on their website and use it.  With each question they will also include some commentary and Scriptural support, a short video by a well-known Christian pastor or author with supporting material, and a prayer based on that specific question and answer.  Take some time to get to know this resource and start using it!

New City Catechism



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