Resources from Sunday – Gay Marriage

This past Sunday Weston did an amazing job dealing with a difficult topic.  This blog has resources for further study and interaction.

Washed and Waiting by Wesley Hill – This book helps people understand that same-sex attraction can be more than a choice, it can be a predisposition. I (Weston) disagree with Hill’s use of “Gay Christian” as I do not believe it is helpful to associate a Christians identity with their sin.

The Gospel and Sexual Orientation by the Synod of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America

The complete Christian Guide to Understanding Homosexuality by Joe Dallas and Nancy Heche – This is a massively scholarly book (very big).

Love into Light by Peter Hubbard

Let Marriage Be Held In Honor – Sermon by John Piper

Blog by Voddie Baucham “Gay is not the new Black”

“Mom, Dad, I’m Gay” – Blogpost by David Murray on a way to respond when a child shares their sexual orientation with parents

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