Read the Bible 2013 – Some Plans

No single spiritual discipline has the potential to lead to your growth in Christ and deeper relationship with Him than a steady, disciplined approach to Bible intake.  Daily reading of Scripture and accompanying prayer is as important to daily meals in the Spiritual life of the follower of Jesus.  A daily time with God with Bible open and a prayer journal in lap is the equivalent of having a cup of coffee with your Creator, time alone speaking to Christ and hearing from Him.  So make it a goal to read through the Bible or at least a section of the Scriptures this year.  Two links below.  The first is the Daily Bible Reading Plan from the ESV Study Bible (step 1 in this might  be to buy this Bible, which has great helps and materials that will provide greater understanding).  The ESV plan includes a daily reading from each of the following sections of the Bible, Psalms and Wisdom Literature, Pentatuech & History, Chronicles & Prophets, and the Gospels and Epistles.  Using this plan will keep you in different sections of Scripture, keeping your reading varied. It may be that reading the entire Bible is a huge goal, so you may choose to read one or two of the sections (I would encourage at the very least the Gospels and Epistles which is the New Testament).

ESV Daily Bible Reading Plan

The second link here provides other approaches to reading the Bible through in a year.  One option is to read chronologically.  You might choose this.  This website also has a link to a RSS feed that will send you a verse for memorization each week, which is also a very good discipline for the Christian life.

10 Bible Reading Plans





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