Go Fish- Books on Evangelism and the Gospel

Current series on sharing faith reaches week three on Sunday.  For those who would like to take it to the next level, I wanted to give a bibliography of the books I am using in my prep and study for the series.

Books on Evangelism

Just Walk Across the Room by Bill Hybels – Not a theological treatise, but incredibly practical with tons of great ideas an application.  I actually love this book

The Gospel and Personal Evangelism by Mark Dever – Shorter book, but it does two things well.  First, it makes sure our message is biblical and clear.  Second, he challenges the reader to have biblical methods and approaches to sharing the Gospel.  Anything by Mark Dever is worth reading.

The Heart of Evangelism by Jerram Barrs – About living on mission with a good heart.

How to Give Away Your Faith by Paul Little – Name describes the book from this very good author.

The Art of Personal Evangelism by Will McRaney Jr. – Excellent source for building a lifestyle of evangelism and contextualizing the message

Evangelism Handbook by Alvin Reid – He is the Prof of Evangelism at Southeastern Theological Seminary, and this book is more of a textbook, but all that means is that it is choc full of great stuff.


Books on the Message of the Gospel

The Explicit Gospel by Matt Chandler – Really good book explaining the Gospel from the ground and from the air.  Reading this will give clarity on the message we are sharing and show how to apply to all people.

What is the Gospel by Greg Gilbert – Short book that explains the message of the Gospel clearly, and also shows the reader some things that are often shared as the Gospel that are not the Gospel.





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