Happy Father’s Day-Free online resource for dads

It’s a good day to be a dad!  Since Sunday is a little crazy, last night my wife made some ribs, we had dinner with all my kids.  They gave me a great Cardinal hat and some other stuff along with a very funny card.  Great night.

We do want to honor dads.  We believe God has called husbands and dads to lead their families, to be the primary pastor of their kids and to set the spiritual tone in the home.  They do this as they love their wives as Christ loves the church, and they train and discipline their kids (Ephesians 5:25-6:4).

Our friends at the Resurgence have made a terrific resource available online for free. Mark Driscoll has written a short and easy-to-read book called Pastor Dad.  A great little resource and reminder of what it looks like for fathers to honor God in their roles at home on the day that our kids honor dads.

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