Enjoying the Olympics

Most of the time, I write posts that have some underlying spiritual meaning. This is not one of those. I just thought I would write a quick post about the Olympics, confessing that I am enjoying watching them, and creating a little discussion. Most of you won’t post replies to this blog, so I thought I’d write a little and give permission to enter the discussion. So I am going to give my five favorite moments from watching the Olympics. Since I am a total sports guy, but always have some weird slants to it, you might find mine a bit bizarre. Anyway, here goes.

5. I really enjoyed watching the two U. S. women, Shawn Johnson and Nastia Liukin compete. I have to admit that I was rooting for Johnson, because she is so short and cute. But it was fun to see them compete against each other and at the same time demonstrate what seemed to be genuine friendship. And, with Johnson winning the balance beam, it was funny to watch her being interviewed by Bob Costas and have him tease her about not being able to touch the ground while sitting on a couch.

4. I am really enjoying the U. S. softball team, and to realize that they are so good that the Olympics have decided to remove it as a sport because the rest of the world realizes there is no way anyone can beat them. In fact, it may be that if they rest of the world combined, they would still lose.

3. Everyone will probably have Michael Phelps and his eight medals on their list somewhere. But I have him on the list because of an interesting conversation, where someone said, “I feel so sorry for the other guys on the relay teams with him, because nobody will ever know who they are.” I laughed, and said, “These guys won a gold medal in the Olympics.” Actually, I think I repeated those words about eight times. No way I am going to feel sorry for anyone who wins a gold medal.

2. I am now a fan of China baseball. While I do hope the U.S. wins, they were a little bit bush league in their game with China, running over the catcher violently twice. So China responded by beaning U.S. batters six times. While one of those pitches did hit a U.S. batter in the head, and I do not advocate that, I have to say that I thought this was a good example of old school baseball. An “eye for a an eye” sort of justice to protect your players.

1. Any national anthem. As I have watched medal ceremonies, the thought occurred to me that this has to be the pinnacle achievement in sports, to have your national anthem played in your honor with the world watching. Some athletes stand quietly, some sing along, others cry. I think that is so cool.

There’s my top five. Add yours.

2 Responses to “Enjoying the Olympics”

  1. Mike Hubbard says:

    So, maybe you’ve heard of the Sports Illustrated jinx. How about the Genesis blog jinx. I think I put the hex on the US softball team.

  2. John Parke says:

    I was rooting for Johnson also. Call it prejudice from growing up in the Cold War era but Liukin feels a little bit like she’s from the other team – not as warm as Johnson. Johnson’s Coach seems humble. I like him. My impression of Johnson was that she was honored to be there. Something about the way she marched off in the single file line with the other gymnasts said that she respected the pomp and circumstance of Olympic gymnastics.

    I caught parts of the semifinal and final of women’s beach volleyball. It makes my legs burn watching them. That looks incredibly tiring. Good sport. Interesting that Misty May-Treanor is married to the Marlins’ catcher. Couldn’t they find more modest uniforms ? I feel a little dirty watching them play in their underwear.

    Didn’t see the baseball vs. China. The Chinese are coached by former major leaguer Jim Lefebvre. The USA has a Metro League connection. The Arrieta kid that pitches, his father played for Mineral Area in our era. His dad also played Metro ball when we were playing.

    Update: USA women Softball lost the Gold. Big Upset