God, the Gospel and Glen Beck – Blog by Russell Moore

Just read this blog from Russell Moore, a professor and theologian from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary on the role of Glen Beck in American politics and Christianity.  His insights made me think deeply as I considered the implications of religion and politics and the influence the tie can have on the advancing of the Gospel.  Beck is a Mormon, which teaches a false Gospel with a different Jesus than the one found in the Bible.  Moore points out that Beck has become a person who is rallying evangelicals to revivalism, which means that many in Christianity are seeing a person who believes in a false Gospel as a spiritual leader, and he is right that this is a problem.  I would encourage you to read this article and think about what Moore says about the Gospel.

A note about another blog I posted about Albert Pujols at this rally.  I did post the video of his speech, and do think he was clear and did a good job articulating the Gospel, so I hope I am not being contradictory in these two posts.  But Moore’s post really made me think.

One Response to “God, the Gospel and Glen Beck – Blog by Russell Moore”

  1. Debbie S. says:

    I am a regular reader of Russell Moore’s blog. As usual he was spot on.