Mission Charleston – Day 4

Hello everyone, I’m Tim Mueller and today was the forth day of our mission trip here in hot and sunny Charleston, Missouri.  Today was probably one of the most eventful days of the week.  We began the day with the highly anticipated clothing drive.

Today’s clothing drive was anything but typical.  We had an amazing turnout with roughly 90 people showing up.  People were coming from all over needing all kinds of things.  We were able to supply many with clothing, shoes, and toys.  I saw a lot people that had 3 or more bags just packed full of clothes.  It is just wonderful to see how God met the needs of the people who needed it.  Thank you personally to everyone that donated, it was very well appreciated.

While setup in the morning for the clothes drive was a little rough due to the intense heat, it was offset by the amazing fashion show of the one and only (and I do mean only) Scott Pacino.  While modeling some of the latest fashion trends, the one that will probably cause me to get therapy when I get home would be a little black sequined skirt that he decided to wear.  Let’s just say I hope GQ magazine doesn’t give him a call.  There were plenty of photos taken of Scott and to view them, they wouldn’t be hard to find, just check Flicker.

Then later in the evening came the forth day of kid’s club.  I believe we had 132 kids show up, excited and ready to start.  The evening was full of children learning about Jesus Christ and his will for them.  Many of us had a great time talking with the kids, learning about them and what they thought about the messages presented to them.  There were a lot of seeds (the gospel) planted this week including today, I just pray that it will grow in them and one day make that commitment to the Lord.

This had been one of the hardest and yet valuable learning experiences of my life.  Being my second mission trip, I’ve learned that the word of God has to be reached everywhere, even in places where it’s not always safe.  Thank you to everyone who has  supported and prayed for this trip, it has been a wonderful blessing for many of us.

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