Mission Charleston – Day 3

Hello everyone! My name is Kelsey Guemmer and we have just finished day three! We began with going to a water park for some r&r, which was much needed. On the way we got lost a little and had a train of cars going thru a neighborhood where Chris decided to get out and lay out in someones yard cause she was ready to relax. It was hilarious!! But the water park was awesome just to fellowship with one another and to get some time away. The park was great and even let us all eat for half off of everything, it was really cool! Once we got back, we were a little rushed to get everything ready for Kids Club. There were many kids already there waiting to get started. It’s amazing how many kids have been coming, today we had a little over 110 I believe. Kids Club today for me went more smoothly than yesterday, but that was just me. We all had our ups and downs of the day but I think it was very successful. Lots of good conversations happened and I can defiantly feel God moving thru these kids. This is my first mission trip and it has been an amazing experience. I have personally been very humbled and loved every second of it, even the bad. The fellowship we have had with each other and with the kids of this area has just excited me. I am excited to see what God has in store for us the rest of this week. We can always use as many prayers as possible. They have been working so far but more are needed for these kids, this community, and for Shining Light! Thank you everyone!!!

One Response to “Mission Charleston – Day 3”

  1. Matt says:

    Great! Praying for a good Thursday/Friday.