Mission Charleston – Day 2

Hello, I’m Stephen Lancaster were still going strong in Charleston Mo,  we had a long day of work sorting and finishing the roofing job at Dean Wallace’s house.  God was faithful in the roofing project. We had a group of professional roofers come in help. if it wasn’t for them we would not have finished this whole week.  We had 156 kids at VBS!!!!! it was nuts but amazing we all were running on empty by the end of the night.  Some things that God has been showing me is patience and a real passion for these really lost kids. we had to break up multiple fights and the kids were really tough to manage sometimes but every time I wanted to just get angry at a kid I realized they need Jesus every single one of them they are all at our camp for a reason and God has placed me here in their lives to make a difference.  keep us in your prayers as the week wears on.  thanks for all the prayers so far because they are working and I can see God work in Charleston already and in the lives of people at Genesis Church.

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