Mission Charleston – Day 1

We have arrived safely in Charleston, and all is well.  We have had a fairly uneventful trip and first evening, which is pretty good news.  We like to keep those who couldn’t attend connected to the trip, and we have several ways to make this happen.  First, we will post an update on our blog each evening.  The plan is to have different people write about the day from their perspective so you will hear from several on the trip.  You can also see pictures on our flickr account. We are looking forward to a great week, and believe that God is going to use us in amazing ways.  God bless.

One Response to “Mission Charleston – Day 1”

  1. Melody Buehrle says:

    OMGoodness! After getting platelets today I am wide awake as I always feel funky a day or two afterwards. I have prayed for everything I could think of for the mission trip. I have posted a prayer for everyone each day on Koinonia and really thought there was a time of rest for me. BUT…Cherie Allen and I were Skyping tonight (yes…we Skype…we are so hip!) and she said photos had been posted. I decided to take a quick look and the floor dropped out from underneath me!

    My heart began weeping with joy and I began a true time of worship as I went through the photos. The smiles, the love, the selflessness that is taking place in Charleston hrills my soul! I was so happy to see such a mass of bodies on the roof of my friends house, watching the excitement in Scott Naeger as he played with little Bobbie Lancaster and the other kids, Alex as she taught and loved on the children, little missionaries Mary and Grace, Trudy and her infectious smile, Abby veggin’, Anne and Dean laughing, Scott Holdegraver trying to look all tuff-n-stuff and the MANY other photos of the happenings that are taking place! My heart is simply exploding!

    I am so happy for all of you to be in the midst of such glorifying! I so wish I were with you… where my heart keeps saying GO my liver keeps saying STAY. I have stuff loaded up and was ready to come down tomorrow to do a few things to serve you while you all enjoyed a day off, but my body is not going to allow that. Please know my prayers are with you 24 hours a day. I ask God to keep my thoughts with you as I sleep!

    I am so very proud to be part of a church that is so giving of the talent, time, money, energy and so on that God has given them. May God continue to bring good health, good weather and joy to your hearts as you share Jesus with the town of Charleston…I love you all!