Praying for Unreached People Groups

Tomorrow in our prayer time during the service we are going to pray for unreached people groups around the world and for missionaries seeking to take the Gospel to these people.  Unreached peoples have little or no access to the Gospel, and virtually no Christians living in their population.  This means that a person living in one of these groups may live their whole life without ever hearing about Jesus or meeting a Christian.  There are over 7,000 So I wanted to share a couple resources you and your family can use in your prayer time.

Prayer Points – A monthly prayer guide sent out by the International Mission Board focusing in a specific unreached people group or region.  The monthly guide has a prayer focus for each day of the month.  This month’s guide is a journey of prayer for the Dungan people of Central Asia.

Loving the Lost Prayer Guide 23 – 52 different prayer focus groups, one per week for a year.  Download the guide, set it next to your Bible and prayer journal.  Use this to pray for a different unreached people and different need each week.


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