Plan for Moving Back to Blevins

We will be back at our normal home this Sunday, Blevins Elementary.  We are excited to be taking a step back toward some normalcy,  but also know moving inside also adds some challenges during the current crisis. We also need to honor guidelines set forth by St. Louis County and and the requirements we received from Rockwood School District as we gather. With that in mind, we wanted to share the plan and our guidelines for our gatherings as we move back to our normal location.  Please take time to read so you are informed about our plan.

*Masks must be worn at all times by anyone over the age of 9, per St. Louis County and Rockwood School District requirements. Masks are encouraged for those from ages 2-9. The exception will be those leading in worship, as we will sufficiently separate all who are speaking or leading music from the congregation and from others on stage.
*All people attending will need to register upon entry. The purpose of this is for contact tracing, if needed.
*We would request that if you or anyone in your family has run a temperature over 100 degrees, has a persistent cough, or any other symptoms consistent with COVID-19 that you would not attend but join the service via livestream. We would also ask that if you or anyone in your family has had immediate contact with a person who has tested positive or who has COVID-19 symptoms, you would not attend.
*Follow social distancing guidelines – this means that we need to honor the six foot separation distance with anyone not in your family, and parents will need to be responsible for their children observing social distancing. We will need people to come ready to honor this.
*Feel free to sit as a family. Rows will be distanced six feet apart. Please put at least three chairs distance in your row between your family and others.
*We will not have Genesis Kids. Children are welcome and encouraged to attend. We know children will make some noise and we welcome that, but children must remain with parents in the service. Genesis Kids will be providing activities for children.
*Bathrooms will be open, adults can use one at a time, parents can take their children in. We will provide spray bottles with sanitizing cleaner to wipe down sinks, toilets, etc.
*We will not be providing coffee or any other food or drink items. Feel free to bring your own coffee or bottled water.
*We encourage our people to arrive early so we can get seating arranged before the service starts. We also ask that people fill in the sections farthest from the doors first.
*At the end of the service, we ask that each family bring their chairs and place them on the rack while maintaining social distancing.

Thanks you, and we look forward to seeing everyone.

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