Sunday Service – April 5

Welcome to Genesis Church Worship Service for April 5, Palm Sunday. Before we begin you will need a few things. First, grab your Bibles. Second, download this Worship Guide. It has an order of service you can follow and the sermon notes for the message. A little change this week – the Worship Guide also has lyrics for our sings, so make sure you make copies for everyone or put them on devices so you can see.  You may want to make copies of the notes sheet for your family. Once you have these, follow the order of service.  The videos are in a YouTube playlist so they should play right through our service.  You can pause the video when we need to stop for a moment. if you need prayer or want more information on what it means to follow Jesus, please click on this form and spend a minute filing it out.  God bless, we are praying for you today.

Worship Guide – April5

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