Who’s Your One – Reaching our Community with the Gospel

Today in our worship the sermon was on the Great Commission and the three activities the church must engage to be a part of God’s reaching our city and the nations.  One of those is that we must see ourselves as a sent people, going to our neighbors, friends, family, co-workers, and any others we know to share the message of salvation.  As part of this we announced that we will be launching the Who’s Your One emphasis, encouraging all of our people to identify one person in their life of whom they will intentionally pray for and build a friendship with the hopes of sharing the Gospel.

Imagine if every believer could answer that question with the name of a person who is far from God—a person for whom they’re praying and with whom seeking to share the gospel. That’s the intention behind Who’s Your One. We believe God’s people don’t merely need another method for evangelism— what they need is a white-hot passion to see people who are far from God experience the new life He offers through Jesus Christ.

Over the coming days, our church and countless others will prioritize personal ownership of the Great Commission as we each intentionally pursue one person with the hope of the gospel. At times, it seems the mission is simply too complex and too vast for churches like ours and people like us. While we can’t do everything, we can do something. We can all take responsibility for one. And, because of God’s power and the work of His Spirit, each of our ones can add up to make a significant impact for God’s kingdom.


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