Family Worship for Christmas Day

Christmas Day is here, stockings, presents under the tree, a meal with family, and of course, 24 hours of “You’ll shoot your eye out” on TBS.  It is really easy to forget that the day is supposed to be a day of worship as we remember the birth of Jesus.  So here is a time of family worship for Christmas morning,  which will include some songs, prayer, Scriptures, and a video of the Christmas story.

John 1:14

Song – O Holy Night

Family Discussion Time

  • What is your favorite part of the Christmas story?
  • Why do we need a Savior?
  • What are some ways that Jesus shows us what the One True God is like?
  • What did Jesus do to bring God to us and us to God?

Read Luke 2:8-15

Watch the story from the Jesus Storybook Bible

 Read John 20:19-23

*Remind your family that we have a great story.  It begins with God’s creation of all that exists including us, but sin wrecked everything.  So God sent Jesus into the world to save us, and the baby in the manger eventually went to the cross and died for our sin.  But He also rose again.  As a result, God has rescued us and brought us into His family.  Now Jesus sends us with the power of the Holy Spirit into the world.

Ask your family to think of ways that your family can share the story of Jesus with your neighbors in the coming year.  Pick a few options from the sheet on Sunday and make plans to do these things.

The 12 Months of Sharing the Story

Prayer Time

Pray this together as a family

God, you showed us how much you love us by sending Your one and only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through him. We look for love everywhere. We wonder if we’ll ever find it, and despair that we will never truly be loved. But, Father, we don’t need to look or wonder or despair because in that dirty stable, you sent Love incarnate.

Through Jesus, You showed us what love is. This is real love. —not that we loved God, but that YOU loved us and sent Your Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins. While we were still sinners, detached and disconnected and enemies of You, Christ died for us. Through Jesus’ sacrifice, You proved your love for us.

O God, tether our hearts to Yours! The only reason we can love is because You first loved us. Compel us to walk in love, just as Christ loved us.

Closing Song – Go Tell it on the Mountain

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